Working Papers
- Shen, M., Xiao, F., Gu, W., Ye, H. Cognitive hierarchy in day-to-day network flow dynamics. []
- Xiao, Z., Ye, H., Chung, E. Solving train eco-driving problems to global optimality. []
Published Papers
(including errata, source code and author accepted manuscripts)
- Wu, F., Ye, H., Bektas, T., Dong, M., 2025. New and tractable formulations for the eco-driving and the eco-routing-and-driving problems. European Journal of Operational Research 321 (2), 445-461.
- Zou, X., Chung, E., Ye, H., Zhang, H., 2024. Deep learning for traffic prediction and trend deviation identification: A case study in Hong Kong. Data Science for Transportation 6, 27.
- Zhou, B., Li, S., Xu, M., Ye, H., 2024. Investigating the influence of herd effect on the logit stochastic user equilibrium problem. Transportation Research Part E 192, 103743.
- Bi, X., Wang, R., Ye, H., Hu, Q., Bu, S., Chung, E., 2023. Real-time scheduling of electric bus flash charging at intermediate stops: A deep reinforcement learning approach. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 10 (3), 6309-6324.
- Liang, J., Ke, J., Wang, H., Ye, H., Tang, J., 2023. A Poisson-based distribution learning framework for short-term prediction of food delivery demand ranges. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (12), 14556-14569.
- Ye, H., 2022. On stochastic-user-equilibrium-based day-to-day dynamics. Transportation Science 56 (1), 103–117. [Author Accepted Manuscript]
- Wu, F., Bektaş, T., Dong, M., Ye, H., Zhang, D., 2021. Optimal driving for vehicle fuel economy under traffic speed uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B 154, 175-206. [Presentation]
- Ye, H., Xiao, F., Yang, H., 2021. Day-to-day dynamics with advanced traveler information. Transportation Research Part B 144, 23-44. [Author Accepted Manuscript]
- Ye, H., Xiao, F., Yang, H., 2018. Exploration of day-to-day route choice models by a virtual experiment. Transportation Research Part C 94, 220-235, and ISTTT22 (poster), Illinois, USA, 2017.
- Ye, H., Yang, H., 2017. Rational behavior adjustment process with boundedly rational user equilibrium. Transportation Science 51 (3), 968-980.
- Ye, H., Liu, R., 2017. Nonlinear programming methods based on closed-form expressions for optimal train control. Transportation Research Part C 82, 102-123. [Codes of Case Studies]
- Ye, H., Liu, R., 2016. A multiphase optimal control method for multi-train control and scheduling on railway lines. Transportation Research Part B 93, 377-393. [Codes of Case Studies]
- Xiao, F., Yang, H., Ye, H., 2016. Physics of day-to-day network flow dynamics. Transportation Research Part B 86, 86-103. [Errata]
- Wang, X.L., Ye, H., Yang, H., 2015. Decentralizing Pareto-efficient network flow/speed patterns with hybrid schemes of speed limit and road pricing. Transportation Research Part E 83, 51-64.
- Ye, H., Yang, H., Tan, Z.J., 2015. Learning marginal-cost pricing via a trial-and-error procedure with day-to-day flow dynamics. Transportation Research Part B 81, 794-807, and ISTTT21 (lectern), Japan, 2015.
- Yang, H., Ye, H., Li, X., Zhao, B., 2015. Speed limits, speed selection and network equilibrium. Transportation Research Part C 51, 260-273. [Errata] [Codes of Case Studies]
- Ye, H., Yang, H., 2013. Continuous price and flow dynamics of tradable mobility credits. Transportation Research Part B 57, 436-450, and ISTTT20 (lectern), The Netherlands, 2013.